Sulcata shell, Tortoise, Africa, 12 1/2 long specimen Prehistoric Online
Sulcata shell, Tortoise, Africa, 12 1/2 long specimen Prehistoric Online
Sulcata shell, Tortoise, Africa, 12 1/2 long specimen Prehistoric Online
Sulcata shell, Tortoise, Africa, 12 1/2 long specimen Prehistoric Online
Sulcata shell, Tortoise, Africa, 12 1/2 long specimen Prehistoric Online
Sulcata shell, Tortoise, Africa, 12 1/2 long specimen Prehistoric Online
Sulcata shell, Tortoise, Africa, 12 1/2 long specimen Prehistoric Online
Sulcata shell, Tortoise, Africa, 12 1/2 long specimen Prehistoric Online

Sulcata shell, Tortoise, Africa, 12 1/2 long specimen


Availability: Only 1 left in stock

SKU: or-sulcata shell-6553

Species: Centrochelys sulcata
Location: Africa
Dimensions: 12 1/2″ x 9″ x 5 1/2″

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The Sulcata tortoise, also known as the African spurred tortoise, is one of the largest species of tortoise native to the Sahara Desert region of Africa. Its scientific name is Centrochelys sulcata. These tortoises are renowned for their impressive size, hardy nature, and distinctive appearance.

Sulcata tortoises are characterized by their large, domed shells that can reach lengths of up to 30 inches (76 cm) and weights exceeding 100 pounds (45 kg) in some cases. Their shells are typically a light tan to yellowish-brown color and are adorned with prominent growth rings and deep furrows, which give them their “sulcata” name.

In their natural habitat, which includes areas of northern Africa ranging from Senegal to Sudan, Sulcata tortoises inhabit arid grasslands, scrublands, and desert regions. They have adapted to survive in harsh, dry environments by digging burrows to escape extreme temperatures and to find moisture in underground plant roots.

Sulcata tortoises are herbivores, primarily grazing on grasses, leaves, and other vegetation. They have a high tolerance for a variety of plant species and are capable of thriving on sparse vegetation, which is advantageous in their native desert habitat where food can be scarce.

These tortoises are known for their longevity, with lifespans commonly exceeding 50 years and some individuals living well beyond 100 years in captivity. Their slow growth rate means that they can take many years to reach their full size, with some individuals not reaching maturity until they are 15 to 20 years old.

In addition to their impressive size and longevity, Sulcata tortoises are popular as pets due to their docile nature and relatively low maintenance requirements. However, potential owners should be aware of the significant commitment involved in caring for these animals, as they require a large enclosure with plenty of space to roam, as well as a diet rich in fiber and calcium to support their growth and shell development.

One challenge with keeping Sulcata tortoises as pets is their tendency to outgrow smaller enclosures and their potential to become destructive if not provided with adequate space and enrichment. As such, it’s important for owners to plan for the long-term care of these tortoises and to ensure they have access to suitable outdoor enclosures or indoor habitats with ample room to move around.
Sulcata shell, Tortoise, Africa, 12 1/2 long specimen

Another consideration for prospective Sulcata tortoise owners is their size and strength, particularly as adults. These tortoises can be surprisingly strong, capable of overturning furniture or damaging fencing if not properly contained. As such, it’s essential to provide secure enclosures and supervision when allowing them to roam outdoors.

In terms of reproduction, Sulcata tortoises typically mate during the rainy season, with females laying clutches of eggs in shallow nests dug in sandy soil. The incubation period for the eggs is around 90 to 120 days, after which the hatchlings emerge and must fend for themselves from an early age.

Despite their hardy nature, Sulcata tortoises face threats in the wild, primarily from habitat loss due to human development, as well as poaching for the pet trade and traditional medicine. Conservation efforts are underway to protect their natural habitats and to regulate their trade to ensure sustainable populations in the wild.

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Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 14 × 10 × 8 in


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