Rare and Authentic Dinosaur eggshell for sale
Dinosaur eggshells provide crucial insights into the reproductive biology and nesting behaviors of prehistoric species. For example, Saltasaurus, a sauropod from the Late Cretaceous period, left behind fossilized eggshells that were relatively thin compared to those of other dinosaurs. This suggests Saltasaurus may have employed unique nesting or incubation strategies. These eggshells have helped paleontologists understand how these massive herbivores cared for their young.
Dinosaurs, the iconic creatures that roamed the Earth millions of years ago, have left behind a rich fossil record that fascinates scientists and enthusiasts alike. Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of ancient organisms, and dinosaur fossils come in various forms, including bones, teeth, footprints, and even imprints of skin or feathers. These fossils provide crucial insights into the biology, behavior, and evolution of dinosaurs.
Paleontologists study dinosaur fossils to reconstruct the anatomy and physiology of these ancient creatures, unravel their evolutionary relationships, and infer their lifestyles and habitats. Fossil discoveries have revealed a staggering diversity of dinosaurs, ranging from the massive, long-necked sauropods to the fearsome carnivorous theropods and the bird-like theropods. Additionally, fossils have helped scientists understand mass extinctions and the environmental changes that shaped the history of life on Earth. Through ongoing fossil discoveries and research, our understanding of dinosaurs continues to evolve, captivating imaginations and inspiring curiosity about the prehistoric world.
Prehistoric specializes in exquisite fossils from species ranging from Tyrannosaurus Rex, Stegosaurus, Spinosaurus, Triceratops, Pteranodon, Raptors, Camarasaurus, Diplodocus, Carcharadontosaurus, Mosasaurus, and many many more. Teeth, claws, bones, and even full skeletons are our specialty.
10 fun facts about dinosaurs:
- Dinosaurs lived on all continents: Fossils have been discovered on every continent, proving that dinosaurs roamed the entire Earth, even Antarctica.
- The largest dinosaur was the Argentinosaurus: This massive herbivore could grow up to 100 feet long and weigh over 100 tons—about as heavy as 14 elephants!
- Some dinosaurs had feathers: While we often think of dinosaurs as scaly, many species, including the famous Velociraptor, likely had feathers.
- Dinosaurs and humans never coexisted: Dinosaurs went extinct around 66 million years ago, long before humans appeared about 2 million years ago.
- The T. rex had an incredible sense of smell: Its olfactory bulbs were huge, suggesting it relied heavily on its sense of smell to hunt and scavenge.
- Not all dinosaurs were huge: The smallest known dinosaur, the Microraptor, was about the size of a chicken and could glide through the air.
- Dinosaurs didn’t technically go extinct: Birds are considered modern-day dinosaurs, as they evolved from small theropod dinosaurs.
- Stegosaurus had a brain the size of a walnut: Despite its large body, its brain was surprisingly small, about 2.5 ounces in weight.
- Triceratops’ horns had multiple purposes: They were likely used for defense, attracting mates, and fighting other Triceratops.
- The word “dinosaur” means “terrible lizard”: Coined by Sir Richard Owen in 1842, it comes from the Greek words deinos (terrible) and sauros (lizard).
Prehistoric 101 (Learn about fossils, minerals, and meteorites)
Tyrannosaurus Rex: The Dinosaur for All
Trex: Learn all About Tyrannosaurus
America’s Trex: Smithsonian Institution
Allosaurus: Learn all About Allosaurs
Spinosaurus fossils for sale